Post 3
I have decided to change the direction of my Passion Project a bit. Instead of making a solo album (which I'm really not too equiped to do at the moment), I've decided to switch to making a reverb pedal. I will not be going off of any pre-determined schematic or plan, I'm pretty much going off of what I already know from youtube and internet blogs. So far, all I have for the project is the copper wire. I need 2 500k ohm potentiometers, 2 splitters, a piezo pickup, wood and metal for the plate unit itself, and the 9v amp that plays into the plate. The reverb works by that amp playing into the plate, thus vibrating it. These vibrations last longer than the actual sound itself, because the metal vibrates. These vibrations are then picked up by the piezo pickup. This new signal is mixed with the original guitar signal with the 2 500k ohm pots, one on the dry signal, and one on the reverb signal. My dad will be my mentor throughout this project, as he is an electrician. This reverb unit, and playing guitar in general is tied into communication in that I am trying to make new sounds for myself to hear. It's impossible to explain a tone that I want to someone without something to hear. So, using this DIY plate reverb, and whatever other pedals I'll pick up in the future, I will be able to make some cool sounds that I'll hopefully be able to use in recordings. Reverb itself is a universally used effect; I doubt that there is a single record that you've heard that didn't have either room, plate, spring, or digital reverb in it.